Top 10 Baseball Players with Highest Hitting Average
Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport which is hugely popular in the world, especially in America. It is a team sport in which two teams, each of 9 players, compete against each other, and take turns in batting and fielding. When a team is attempting an offense, it tries to score runs by hitting the ball with a bat that is swung by the batter, who then runs counter-clockwise around the four bases. When a player returns to his home plate after running around the bases, he scores a run. Batting average or BA is determined by dividing the number of hits by at-bats. Let us take a look at the Top 10 Baseball Players with Highest Hitting Average.
Top 10 Baseball Players with Highest Hitting Average
10. Willie Keeler

Baseball player William “Wee Willie” Henry Keeler, famously known as just Willie Keeler, played a total of 2123 baseball matches in his active sports career. He achieved a total of 8591 at bats, and made 1719 runs and 33 home runs in his Major League Baseball career. Willie Keeler has 810 runs batted in and has also achieved 495 stolen basses while playing for his baseball teams in MLB. He, as a baseball hitter, has achieved a batting average of .341 in his active baseball career and is inducted in the tenth place in our list of top 10 baseball players with highest hitting average. Willie Keeler has achieved a slugging percentage of .415 and has also achieved .802 on-base percentage in his professional baseball career.
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9. Harry Heilmann

Baseball player Harry “Slug” Edwin Heilmann, famously known as just Harry Heilmann, played a total of 2147 baseball matches in his active sports career. He achieved a total of 7787 at bats, and made 1291 runs and 183 home runs in his Major League Baseball career. Harry Heilmann has 1539 runs batted in and has also achieved 113 stolen basses while playing for his baseball teams in MLB. He, as a baseball hitter, has achieved a batting average of .342 in his active baseball career and is inducted in the ninth place in our list of top 10 baseball players with highest hitting average. Harry Heilmann has achieved a slugging percentage of .520 and has also achieved .930 on-base percentage in his professional baseball career.
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8. Babe Ruth

Baseball player George “The Bambino” Herman Ruth, famously known as just Babe Ruth, played a total of 2503 baseball matches in his active sports career. He achieved a total of 8399 at bats, and made 2174 runs and 714 home runs in his Major League Baseball career. Babe Ruth has 2213 runs batted in and has also achieved 123 stolen basses while playing for his baseball teams in MLB. He, as a baseball hitter, has achieved a batting average of .342 in his active baseball career and is inducted in the eighth place in our list of top 10 baseball players with highest hitting average. Babe Ruth has achieved a slugging percentage of .690 and has also achieved 1.164 on-base percentage in his professional baseball career.
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7. Dan Brouthers

Baseball player Dennis “Big Dan” Joseph Brouthers, famously known as just Dan Brouthers, played a total of 1673 baseball matches in his active sports career. He achieved a total of 6711 at bats, and made 1523 runs and 106 home runs in his Major League Baseball career. Dan Brouthers has 1296 runs batted in and has also achieved 256 stolen basses while playing for his baseball teams in MLB. He, as a baseball hitter, has achieved a batting average of .342 in his active baseball career and is inducted in the seventh place in our list of top 10 baseball players with highest hitting average. Dan Brouthers has achieved a slugging percentage of .519 and has also achieved .942 on-base percentage in his professional baseball career.
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6. Billy Hamilton

Baseball player William “Sliding Billy” Robert Hamilton, famously known as just Billy Hamilton, played a total of 1591 baseball matches in his active sports career. He achieved a total of 6269 at bats, and made 1691 runs and 40 home runs in his Major League Baseball career. Billy Hamilton has 739 runs batted in and has also achieved 912 stolen basses while playing for his baseball teams in MLB. He, as a baseball hitter, has achieved a batting average of .344 in his active baseball career and is inducted in the sixth place in our list of top 10 baseball players with highest hitting average. Billy Hamilton has achieved a slugging percentage of .432 and has also achieved .888 on-base percentage in his professional baseball career.
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5. Ted Williams

Baseball player Theodore “The Kid” Samuel Williams, famously known as just Ted Williams, played a total of 2292 baseball matches in his active sports career. He achieved a total of 7706 at bats, and made 1798 runs and 521 home runs in his Major League Baseball career. Ted Williams has 1839 runs batted in and has also achieved 24 stolen basses while playing for his baseball teams in MLB. He, as a baseball hitter, has achieved a batting average of .344 in his active baseball career and is inducted in the fourth place in our list of top 10 baseball players with highest hitting average. Ted Williams has achieved a slugging percentage of .634 and has also achieved 1.115 on-base percentage in his professional baseball career.
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4. Tris Speaker

Baseball player Tristram “The Grey Eagle” E Speaker, famously known as just Tris Speaker, played a total of 2789 baseball matches in his active sports career. He achieved a total of 10195 at bats, and made 1881 runs and 117 home runs in his Major League Baseball career. Tris Speaker has 1529 runs batted in and has also achieved 432 stolen basses while playing for his baseball teams in MLB. He, as a baseball hitter, has achieved a batting average of .345 in his active baseball career and is inducted in the fourth place in our list of top 10 baseball players with highest hitting average. Tris Speaker has achieved a slugging percentage of .500 and has also achieved .928 on-base percentage in his professional baseball career.
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3. Ed Delahanty

Baseball player Edward “Big Ed” James Delahanty, famously known as just Ed Delahanty, played a total of 1835 baseball matches in his active sports career. He achieved a total of 7505 at bats, and made 1599 runs and 101 home runs in his Major League Baseball career. Ed Delahanty has 1464 runs batted in and has also achieved 455 stolen basses while playing for his baseball teams in MLB. He, as a baseball hitter, has achieved a batting average of .346 in his active baseball career and is inducted in the third place in our list of top 10 baseball players with highest hitting average. Ed Delahanty has achieved a slugging percentage of .505 and has also achieved .917 on-base percentage in his professional baseball career.
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2. Rogers Hornsby

Baseball player Rogers “Rajah” Hornsby, famously known as just Rogers Hornsby, played a total of 2259 baseball matches in his active sports career. He achieved a total of 8173 at bats, and made 1579 runs and 301 home runs in his Major League Baseball career. Rogers Hornsby has 1584 runs batted in and has also achieved 135 stolen basses while playing for his baseball teams in MLB. He, as a baseball hitter, has achieved a batting average of .358 in his active baseball career and is inducted in the second place in our list of top 10 baseball players with highest hitting average. Rogers Hornsby has achieved a slugging percentage of .577 and has also achieved 1.010 on-base percentage in his professional baseball career.
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1. Ty Cobb

Baseball player Tyrus “The Georgia Peach” Raymond Cobb, famously known as just Ty Cobb, played a total of 3035 baseball matches in his active sports career. He achieved a total of 11429 at bats, and made 2246 runs and 117 home runs in his Major League Baseball career. Ty Cobb has 1983 runs batted in and has also achieved 892 stolen basses while playing for his baseball teams in MLB. He, as a baseball hitter, has achieved a batting average of .367 in his active baseball career and is inducted in the top place in our list of top 10 baseball players with highest hitting average. Ty Cobb has achieved a slugging percentage of .513 and has also achieved .946 on-base percentage in his professional baseball career.
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Baseball’s batting average, reported in decimal places and pronounced as if it has been multiplied by 1000, was developed after being influenced by the concept of cricket averages. The Major League Baseball averages championships or the batting title is awarded every year to the player in each league who has the greatest batting average.